S.T.A.R. Talks
S.T.A.R. Talks was one of the first committees of the association. The committee gives the chance to bachelor and master students to present their theses to other members of Sirius A. This helps the members to know what to expect for their own thesis and lets the speaker share interesting topics that aren't taught in the curriculum. S.T.A.R. Talks also hosts talks given by outside researchers or people from different disciplines. This makes for a wide variety of topics in talks! Since 2022-2023 the committee has also been making an effort to host an anual symposium. This is an event where we invite speakers from all over the country (or even outside the country) to give a talk on the theme the committee chose that year. This gives our members a change to learn more about a given topic through experts in the field.
Committee Members
Zara Siyal
Board representative
Malo Blomker
David Gzib
Bjorn Koops
Leonie Versteeg
Kevin de Man
Rutger Talens
Alexandru Marius Stoica